We are a committed and dedicated charity striving to meet the highest standards, while working with the community and you, our health care professionals. Asthma Waikato provides education for health professionals in how to provide asthma and COPD management, education and support.
However, your input and advice is critical to help us better understand the needs of health care providers and patients alike, and so that we can continue to improve our service. Working with you is essential to gaining information we need to deliver our service and help you deliver yours.
However, your input and advice is critical to help us better understand the needs of health care providers and patients alike, and so that we can continue to improve our service. Working with you is essential to gaining information we need to deliver our service and help you deliver yours.
Asthma Waikato accepts referrals for:
Asthma Education
Our priorities are:
AGE - we see children aged 0-15 years of age living in the Waikato region.
Referrals for 15+ are generally seen at the Asthma Clinic at Waikato Hospital.
SEVERITY – severe referrals will be seen as a priority then moderate and mild cases.
REFERRALS – NOTE: We accept self referrals for asthma education - get in touch.
Spirometry Testing
Unfortunately, Asthma Waikato does not accept referrals for spirometry, hypertonic saline or other lung function testing.
Read more about this—
Pulmonary Function Testing - Preliminary guidance from TSANZ/ANZSRS
Professional Development Courses
If you wish to undertake training in asthma and COPD Fundamentals, please refer to the online module held by the Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ by clicking above.
If you wish to undertake training in Spirometry Testing, you can choose from either our first time certification, 2-day course or our re-certification course for lapsing or lapsed certification.
Kiwis of all ages are dying from asthma each year!
You can help save their lives by supporting us to educate and prevent this happening...For general enquiries, email or call 07 838 0851
Alternatively, contact us by using our other details or contact form
Alternatively, contact us by using our other details or contact form